Monday, April 15, 2013

Thoughts on the Past Few Days

Why, when I had 10 extra days to work on a paper, did I leave a very rough draft to be completed the night before it was due?

I do not like staying up until 2am.

I don't know how I feel about this, but I think I broke Godwin's law while writing said paper.

Founder's music video night was fun, but I will never make a fool of myself on camera ever again, thank goodness we didn't win.

I still have no idea whether my May Term is going to happen.

I am totally ready for this semester to be done.

I might have a summer job. This job may have me using Facebook professionally.

Faculty Quotation of the Day:
"You ladies are strange and wonderful."-Dr. Morris

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This may be something close to hell week for me, but perhaps it's just purgatory.

That's a cheery opening.  Lets start over.

Today's chapel was really good. It was a powerful testimony of an alum who came to my college thinking he was a Christian, but living a destructive lifestyle. After he graduated, things only went down hill, to the point where he was considering suicide. God saved him, and he has been sober for over a year. His talk struck me in two ways, one that he was saved at about the same time I was, in the fall/winter of '11, two that his testimony was full of the power of God. You knew, listening to him, that he was holding tight to, and ready to glorify, a huge God.

So, that was wonderful.

Now I'm just procrastinating rather hard on the paper due tomorrow. I found this interesting poem by Robert Frost called "The Lovely Shall Be Choosers". It's strange and ambiguous, and it only just dawned on me, having had it picked out for a week or more, that a feminist reading might make an interesting interpretation. I don't tend to like feminist interpretations, unless done quite tastefully, for they seem to turn quickly into a big hate fest on men. While a few men have earned my wrath or scorn, on a whole, I rather like them, so I won't do it.

I have a book review due on Friday, and my gracious prof. from another class granted me a much needed extension, which, unfortunately, is also due on Friday. I did talk to him about it today, and he added some helpful comments.

Back to the grind stone.

Note: This was supposed to be published last night. I am still working on the paper. I don't have a thesis yet, but it's almost done.