Since I am bogged down researching and writing essays right now, here is the last installment of my pictures from the now not so recent trip to Acadia.
Warning: This post is picture heavy, and full of gratuitous "art shots".
Bleeding Hearts from Mom's garden.Lilac leaf and flowers from the yard.
Wild blueberry flowers taken on Tuesday.
Also on Tuesday, a closeup of a rocky puddle with lichen and moss.
Tuesday evening.
Lichen. Very obvious focal length.
Also from the garden on Monday morning.
Barnabas and Ben overlooking the ocean on top of Penobscot Mt.
Spiderweb on the bridge.
Watercolor painted on the Tuesday evening while Barnabas rappelled.
Cadillac Mountain through Jackpine needles on Champlain Mt.
A Cairn on Champlain Mountain.
The entire mountain was made of a rosy granite spotted with green and gray lichen.
Thunder Hole.
Granite breaks into simple geometrics. It's part of what makes the trails so easy.