Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunday Excursion

Sunday was delightful. After lunch I took a long walk behind the college. The air was just that right temperature of nippy-ness which keeps you cool despite steep hills and a brisk pace. Looking back at the pictures, I noticed how gray everything is. 
The moss covered path behind the college. I don't have any pictures, but they redid a couple of trails. They are nice and broad, but lack character.
The view over Jackson Pond. We can't swim there anymore, but that doesn't bother me one jot. The water was green.
When taking pictures of the landscape, pondscape? I saw someone in the water taking pictures too. We took a picture of each other.
 It always amuses me when I see the moon and the sun in the same sky, and reminds me of Lewis Carroll  "The moon was shining sulkily, 
because she though the sun 
had no business to be there 
after the day was done."
-The Walrus and the Carpenter, Lewis Carroll

 I found a cool waterfall, but it won't last long. Georgia is not kind to ice.

I think this is a piece of down from an owl. 

Don't jump!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures, my dear! So wonderful to see those paths I love so much again.
