Monday being a friend's day off work, we decided to have lunch together down the mountain, and then spend the afternoon wandering around the town. Lunch was Five Guys. They certainly know how to make a hamburger.
We went over the walking bridge, and stopped to take in the view. The other Chris doesn't like his picture taken.Down in Coolidge Park we jumped on to the statues/gargoyles by the carousel. I was on a lion as well.
Sam likes turtles.
The Hunter Museum from across the river. I still think the addition looks like a wart on the original stately mansion.I think they should start a boy band if they are going to stand around like that.
We found this interesting mural across the river. Chris thinks Tesla is the coolest, and wanted his picture with him. Better planning on my part would have been to take a picture with the whole series.
There it is in its entirety. It's basically the history of the Mac or any iGadget. I think it might have been intended to be the history of the computer, but there is an obvious bias toward Apple, no? Notice the almost iconic* halo around Steve Jobs. Chris was explaining information entropy in the picture, in which Claude Shannon had done ground breaking work.
To make up for the lightly awkward picture of Chris, I leave you with this nicer one. We are on our way back across a different bridge.
Before going back, we decided to stop at All Books, a used bookstore that sells a lot more than books. The proprietress is Miss Polly, an old lady who spins and knits at the store. There are a lot of knitted and crocheted hats and things for sale, and the entire space is crammed full of yarn and fabric and wool and books. It has a lot of atmosphere, but not a lot of room.
We wandered around for a bit more, and then traveled back up the mountain.
* A representation of some sacred personage, in painting, bas-relief, or mosaic, itself regarded as sacred, and honoured with a relative worship or adoration.-OED
You are taking me to that shop when I get back. No really.